Bauring scandal files – Bauring Vienna Director Dr. jur. Hanns Wagner

Part of the escalated conflict between the physician Dr. Ernst Höfer and the family of Lydia Wagner, who was murdered by him, was the fact that Lydia Wagner’s husband, Dir. Dr. Hanns Wagner, let himself be blackmailed by the then SPÖ politician and father of the doctor Dr. Ernst Höfer, Bgm. Dr. Ernst Höfer sen. to the extent that he, as commercial Bauring director and custodian of the critical Bauring archive, did not answer the unresolved questions at that time and kept decisive Bauring files hidden in his son’s children’s room – where they were forgotten until his death.
Bauring scandal files – Bauring Vienna Director Dr. jur. Hanns Wagner

As director of the Vienna Bauring, Dr. Hanns Wagner kept the central archives of the Bauring settlement and kept records of the commission payments and money returns to Viennese representatives and politicians that were in question in the Bauring scandal.

Bauring scandal files – Bauring Vienna Director Dr. jur. Hanns Wagner

The journalist Georg Nowotny fittingly summarized the then known core of the facts for the Kronen Zeitung:

Bauring scandal files – Bauring Vienna Director Dr. jur. Hanns Wagner

Bauring scandal SPÖ-Vienna strictly confidential file note – ATS 67 million in Bankhaus Feichtner spread as cash to involved actors in Vienna.

Bauring scandal files – Bauring Vienna Director Dr. jur. Hanns Wagner
Bauring scandal files – Bauring Vienna Director Dr. jur. Hanns Wagner
Bauring scandal files – Bauring Vienna Director Dr. jur. Hanns Wagner
Bauring scandal files – Bauring Vienna Director Dr. jur. Hanns Wagner
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