Evidence of falsification of documents in favor of Hirschbaeck by court opinion of expert Prof. Dr. Georg NYMAN
The court expert, Prof. Dr. Georg NYMAN, was instructed by the court to establish in a purely scientific report all the objective facts about the forgery characteristics of the handwriting in the forged will of the patient of Dr. Ernst Höfer, Mrs. Lydia Wagner, which had previously been established by handwriting experts.
The expert, Prof. Dr. Georg NYMAN, scientifically examined the quality of the strokes, overlaps, variations in speed, breaks and corrections using digital imaging under a microscope. Using the latest software and computer technology, these digitally captured images of the manuscript were then broken down into millions of colour channels and analysed in detail.
A judicially commissioned SUPPLEMENTARY EXPERT’S REPORT clearly shows the clear FORMATION OF THE SIGNATURE in this forged document, among other things in favour of Hirschbaeck.
The result of this over-expertise is a purely scientific proof – in a quality never seen before – which proves the forgery of the handwriting and the forgery of the signature of this forged document as a scientifically indisputable fact and thus goes far beyond the partial subjective handwriting interpretations of pure handwriting experts.