Proof of the forgery of the will in favour of Hirschbaeck by the forensic handwriting expert of the Regional Court for Criminal Matters in Vienna, Amtsrat Friedrich NICPONSKY, with 99% certainty.


The forensic handwriting expert of the Regional Court for Criminal Matters Vienna, Amtsrat Friedrich NICPONSKY, immediately established with 99% certainty, on the basis of detailed forensic handwriting analyses, a clearly recognisable forgery of the disputed testamentary document.

After the accused forgers of the will had received a file copy of this incriminating court opinion for the first time, they submitted allegedly genuine comparison manuscripts of the testatrix, which had been forged with the same forgery method as the forged will, in order to obstruct punishment. In these forged comparison manuscripts, the forgers referred to the forgery features determined by the expert NICPONSKY and matched individual graphic features of the comparison manuscripts in such a way that they wrongly wanted to use them to construct evidence for the authenticity of this forged will.

The forgery of the comparative manuscripts to deceive the handwriting experts was also finally put beyond dispute and admitted.

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