Physician Dr. Ernst Höfer, Zell am See, Austria
Evidence of fatal medical malpractice for fraud shared with Hirschbaeck
Dr. Ernst Höfer, as the treating family doctor, initially gained the trust of his patient Lydia Wagner through preferential medical treatments and prescriptions.
In January 1988, after years of medical control of nodules in the intestine, an early stage colon carcinoma – stage Dukes B (T67400, M81403) was detected and surgically removed from Lydia Wagner. This early carcinoma was removed in a Viennese hospital as a precautionary measure so extensively in healthy tissue (35.5 cm piece of intestine) that this disease was considered completely cured. For this reason, the attending physicians in Vienna did not have to prescribe any additional radiation or chemotherapeutic follow-up treatment.
However, in the period August to September 1989, the cancer-indicating tumor markers increased within only 1 month
from CEA 6.3 on 14.8.1989
to CEA 11 on 14.9.1989 !
Dr. Ernst Höfer, as the attending physician, was demonstrably informed several times by physician colleagues of this alarming, new cancer activity – especially in connection with the previous cancer operation.
According to the expert opinion, a professional ONCOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC CARE of his patient Lydia Wagner would have been medically imperative at the latest after this rapid doubling of the cancer markers.
Physician Dr. Ernst Höfer, however, as treating physician – who had gained the trust of Lydia Wagner – did not initiate any oncological treatment (such as chemo-therapy, regional chemo-therapy, hormone-therapy, possibly high-dose-therapy with stem cell transplantation etc.) or the use of radio-oncology for organ and function preservation.
According to the detailed expert medical explanations obtained by the injured family of Mrs. Lydia Wagner, these short-term strongly increased CEA values are of particular importance in the evaluation of the medical treatment, since they could NOT be qualified and dismissed by Dr. Höfer as the treating physician as an UNSPECIFIC REACTION in view of the short temporal connection with the preceding comprehensive operation of the colon carcinoma.
Even more incriminating, however, was the fact that physician Dr. Ernst Höfer prescribed his patient Lydia Wagner a RADON treatment in Bad-Hofgastein for several weeks from 26.10.1989 to 16.11.1989 because of simple back pain, instead of initiating the oncological treatment which was in any case highly necessary at that time.
It is standard medical knowledge that cancer patients must not be exposed to treatments with increased RADON levels even years after successful cancer treatment, since the radiation stimulates any remaining inactive cancer cells to proliferate again and form metastases.
Radon and its decay products are scientifically proven to be carcinogenic.
Inhaled in the air it causes lung cancer. Absorbed through the skin in baths, it causes stomach and intestinal cancer.
Citation: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. H.-Erich Wichmann. Head of the GSF Institute of Epidemiology.
“This radon is inhaled. Because it’s a noble gas, it doesn’t react, it can get into the lungs unhindered, and then when it decays there, its alpha radiation is released directly on the sensitive lung tissue, and that’s what accounts for the major cancer risk.”
In the Gastein thermal tunnel – the radon spa with the highest international levels of radioactivity – 44,000 becquerels per cubic meter of air are measured:
That’s about a thousand times higher as in an average apartment.
The official U.S. government agency EPA states about the scientifically known radon risks:
“Health Risk of Radon:
Exposure to radon causes lung cancer in non-smokers and smokers alike …Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers, according to EPA estimates.”
Another large collaborative European radon study in 9 countries confirmed:
“The mean measured radon concentration in the homes of people in the control group was 97 Bq/m3. …
Lung cancer risk increased by 8.4% per 100 Bq/m3 increase in measured radon (P = 0.0007).
This corresponds to an increase of 16% (5% to 31%) per 100 Bq/m3 increase in usual radon, i.e., after correction for dilution caused by random uncertainties in radon concentration measurements.
The dose-response relationship appeared to be linear, with no threshold, “
This study confirms in detail the general medical knowledge that is undoubtedly present in physician Dr. Ernst Höfer, according to which already at an increase of 100 Becquerel/m3 the average lung cancer rate increases by 16 percent and the dose-response relationship increases linearly without threshold (!).
Physician Dr. Ernst Höfer continued to refrain from all medically necessary treatment measures even after completion of this cancer-causing radon treatment in Bad-Gastein in November 1989.
Dr. Ernst Höfer – although this would have been required lege artis – as the responsible physician neither prescribed diagnostic radiological examinations, nor arranged for radiological therapy or hemato-oncological controls or medications and chemo-therapies.
As intended by Ernst Höfer, as the treating physician without any doubt, this high radon exposure due to this radon spa treatment in Bad-Hofgastein – in combination with the omitted chemo- or radiotherapy – led to the formation of cancer metastases in lungs, liver and brain of his patient Lydia Wagner in a very short time.
These cancer metastases in liver, lung and brain were according to the diagnosis of the hospital Zell am See the cause of death of Lydia Wagner who died on 30.07.1993.
Zit diagnosis cause of death by hospital Zell am See:
“Diagnosis: Z.n.Colonkarzinom mit filii hep., filii pulm. et filii cerebrum,…”
Lydia Wagner died prematurely after great pain on 30.7.1993 due to the deliberate medical mistreatment and deliberately omitted treatment measures of Dr. Ernst Höfer at the age of only 66 years.
The fact that the deliberate medical mistreatment of the plaintiff’s mother by Dr. Ernst Höfer was undoubtedly carried out with the intention to kill – namely to realize a fraud plan that had already been worked out in detail – is proven by the following preparatory act:
Reference is made to the following chronological sequences:
14.8.1989 to 14.9.1989 known diagnosis -tumor marker doubled !
26.10.1989 to 16.11.1989 radon treatment in Bad-Gastein
20.11.1989 confirmation stamp on forged power of attorney Kuppelwieser from typewriter of the second defendant
Immediately after physician Dr. Ernst Höfer knew that his plan had worked out and that he could inflict the fatal radon treatment on his patient Lydia Wagner to the full extent, he forged the first document for the realization of the accompanying fraud in the probate proceedings after Lydia Wagner initiated by the damaging radon cure already on 20.11.1989, which was forged decidedly for fraudulent use in the probate of Lydia Wagner.
After the death of his patient Lydia Wagner, this alleged bequest power of attorney of a South African missionary, Father Kuppelwieser, was presented for the authorization of his accomplice Barbara Hirschbäck in the “inheritance matter after Lydia Wagner” with the following wording:
I hereby authorize Barbara Hirschbäck, born 6.8.1934, residing in 5705 Zell am See-Thumersbach, Thumersbacherstr. 86 to represent me as legatee in all respects before authorities, offices and courts in the inheritance matter of Mrs. Lydia Wagner, born 4.10.1926, residing in 5705 Zell am See-Thumersbach, Schiffergasse 1.
True Signature certified by: “
This power of attorney bears the stamp of a South African police station dated 20.11.1989. According to a statement by the South African Ambassador, the additionally attached certification stamp does not confirm the authenticity of Father Kuppelwieser’s signature, but merely the conformity of the copy of this power of attorney with an otherwise unverified original.
The South African Embassy also points out that the certification text does not correspond to the official text. Furthermore, it cannot be assumed that a text written in German would be certified by a reputable South African authority, if only the phrase
true signature certified by
is attached.